The origin of regional cooperation in Africa dates back to the formation of
Organization of African Unity now (AU) on 25th May 1963 to provide
ideological, logistics and financial support for countries still under colonial rule.
After independence, AU became a tool for championing regional stability, peace
and development in line with the global best practices as expounded by UN, EU
and the likes. Concomitantly, there emerged a series of movement opposed to
democratic values but rather the use of terror as a means of change. CT/COIN is
not new to Nigeria as abortive secession bid in 1967 to create Republic of Biafra
ended with the Federal troops being victorious in 1970. The Military actively
continued to combat insurgency in other African countries with impeccable
records. Not the least were attempts by subversive elements to trigger domestic
violence through ethnic cleansing brought under control by the ubiquitous
military. The inception of Ahlis Sunnah (Boko Haram) in the North East Nigeria
since 2009 and collaborations with MUJAO/AQIM continually unleashed armed
attacks in West Africa Sub-region is sufficient to awaken the plight of regional
cooperation. Shouldn’t Nigeria/LCBC countries invoke Article VIII of UN on
regional organization to address the menace in view of the prevailing security
threats to lives and development? This study is a modest effort to unravel the
challenges of combating terrorism at regional and sub-regional level. It stated
unambiguously that success at Regional Cooperation involve pooling together
of resources, employment of Super powers continued intelligence/ technical
support and a level of coordination incumbent upon these countries to access the
AU/UN logistics and financial supports. Apparently, employment of a rightful
synergy would produce positive results among the parties brought together by
exigencies of survival. Like ECOMOG, the importance of Regional Organization
has once again been rekindled with the formation of MNJTF towards salvaging
the situation in the LCBC. Undoubtedly, abundance benefits accrued from
regional cooperation as a platform for peace and security, a bastion for economic
and technological development and a united front for combating terrorism.