Submission Guidelines of New Manuscript

Submission Preparation Guideline (Initial Submission)

  • Manuscripts must besubmitted following the journal template. Submission is to be made by one of the authors of the manuscript and not by anyone on their behalf. The submitting author (the corresponding author) will take responsibility for the article during submission and peer review process.
  • The submitting authoris required to complete, sign, and upload the ‘Ethical Agreement’ form.
  • During the submission of manuscript, Authors are required to upload the details of the three proposed reviewers related to the subject area of the manuscript. 
  • To facilitate rapid publication and to minimize administrative costs, NDC E-JOURNAL encourages online submission. The website uses a journal management and publishing system that assists at every stage of the refereed publishing process, from submissions through the review and online publication. The submission process is compatible with latest version of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and with most other modern web browsers. It can be used from PC, Mac, or Unix platforms.
  • Manuscript must be submitted after removal of author(s)' name(s) and affiliation(s) in both MSWord (*.docx) and PDF (*.pdf) formats to confirm double-blind review process.
  • Other files such as, Ethical Agreement form, Proposed Reviewers’ formshould be submitted along with the submission of the article.
  • Keywords of the article must be inserted separately (one after the other).

About the Downloadable Files

Downloadable Files are available under the "Downloads" drop-down menu of the journal site.

  1. Ethical Agreement (EA) form (Authors need to submit the completed Ethical Agreement form along with the manuscript during initial submission)
  2. Manuscript template (Authors need to follow the template in preparing their manuscript)
  3. Proposed Reviewers’ form (Authors must submit prospective reviewers’ details along with the initial submission to NDC E-JOURNAL)
  4. Response to reviewers comments’ template (Authors need to follow the template in responding to the reviewers' comments)