
  • Brigadier General Mohammad Siddiqul Alam Sikder, ndc, psc NDC




With the increasing role of the state in modern societies, bureaucratic control in social and economic fields and the increasing use of administrative discretion on various matters, scholars and development partners have put emphasis on the quality of its governance. Despite the continuing efforts of Bangladesh and its partners to enhance the quality of governance in the country; it is still suffering, among other things, from numerous governance related insufficiencies and complexities, Good governance has a very close and intermingled relationship with national security. The concept of national security is no longer confined within the domain of military only. The centre of gravity has been gradually shifted towards various non-traditional security issues such as economic security, environmental security etc. A huge number of poverty stricken people battered by natural disasters at regular interval, if not governed well are likely to create security hazards. Only good governance can assure these people of social justice, equitable distribution of wealth across the country and peaceful environment to live in. An attempt has been made in this study to critically analyze the concept of good governance and national security including their inter-relationship, the present state of governance and the impact of governance on national security. The author suggests that, Bangladesh Government should undertake immediate reforms in her various organs and state institutions. In the process, the author further suggests the Government to formulate a comprehensive defence policy which will further enhance the existing friendly relations with her good neighbours.  The study also suggests that a sustained economic growth coupled with stable political situation is the driving force in ensuring national security. The political masters should remember that the close link between good governance and national security has put up a compulsion on them to ensure good governance in Bangladesh.


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How to Cite

Brigadier General Mohammad Siddiqul Alam Sikder, ndc, psc. (2013). IMPACT OF GOOD GOVERNANCE ON NATIONAL SECURITY OF BANGLADESH. NDC E-JOURNAL, 12(2), 1-20. Retrieved from

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