Artificial Intelligence, bioterrorism, hegemony, neoconservatism, digital diplomacyAbstract
The Covid-19 (CXIX) pandemic is the greatest socio-political tragedy of the 21st century that has significantly changed the international security discourse. The changes have led to new debates on the depth and breadth of security for the national security institutions. That means the concept of security has undergone different phases in history, from Homo Sapiens to Homo Technologicus, recreating different meanings of national security. This article seeks to examine the concept of ‘security’ through prisms of realist and liberal approaches, international politics and security. The CXIX or the post-CXIX political landscapes may lead to a fundamental reconceptualization of security, and indeed, the dominant theories and approaches will undergo discursive changes over the period. Therefore, the understanding of the two dominant approaches – realism and liberalism – may allow Bangladeshi or South Asian security thinkers to rethink security through correlative approaches that would include a comprehensive view of what would constitute security and challenges for the state during the post-CXIX World.
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