
  • Colonel Md Hasan Uz Zaman, afwc, psc NDC




Civil Military Relations, (CMR) is a very important aspect of a state. This relation varies from country to country depending upon its overall development. Bangladesh experienced a variety level of CMR since independence. Sometimes this relation was soothing, sometimes strained. Showing absolute respect to democratic process and involvement in nation building activities raised the image of the Armed forces to a respectful state in recent years. More so, Bangladesh Armed Forces has been rendering its service in multi dimensional role in addition to its classic role of safeguarding the sovereignty of the motherland. But a sound, healthy and congenial CMR could not be achieved yet. There is a strong perception that lack of knowledge about each other and lack of interactions between civil and military are the prime reasons for existence of such unhealthy relation. In such reality the research was conducted to find out the relevancy of the prevailing perception about CMR. For this purpose, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, and computer generated excel programmes were used. Collected data both primary and secondary sources were processed to draw inferences. It was found, both civil and military lack knowledge about each other. There are lacks of adequate interactions opportunities between them too. More importantly it was revealed, these two factors (lack of knowledge and interactions) affect CMR to a great extend. Training in each others institutions, inclusion of CMR related subject at university level curricula, media campaign, publications etc has been identified as the efficient tools for growing effective knowledge about each other.


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How to Cite

Colonel Md Hasan Uz Zaman, afwc, psc. (2015). CIVIL MILITARY RELATIONS: IMAGE BUILDING STRATEGY FOR BANGLADESH ARMED FORCES. NDC E-JOURNAL, 14(2), 113-128. Retrieved from